Source code for diaparser.models.dependency

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from ..modules import MLP, BertEmbedding, Biaffine, LSTM, CharLSTM
from ..modules.dropout import IndependentDropout, SharedDropout
from ..utils.config import Config
from ..utils.alg import eisner, mst
from ..utils.transform import CoNLL
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pack_padded_sequence, pad_packed_sequence
from typing import Tuple

[docs]class BiaffineDependencyModel(nn.Module): r""" The implementation of Biaffine Dependency Parser. References: - Timothy Dozat and Christopher D. Manning. 2017. `Deep Biaffine Attention for Neural Dependency Parsing`_. Args: n_words (int): The size of the word vocabulary. n_feats (int): The size of the feat vocabulary. n_rels (int): The number of labels in the treebank. feat (str): Specifies which type of additional feature to use: ``'char'`` | ``'bert'`` | ``'tag'``. ``'char'``: Character-level representations extracted by CharLSTM. ``'bert'``: BERT representations, other pretrained langugae models like XLNet are also feasible. ``'tag'``: POS tag embeddings. Default: ``'char'``. n_word_embed (int): The size of word embeddings. Default: 100. n_feat_embed (int): The size of feature representations. Default: 100. n_char_embed (int): The size of character embeddings serving as inputs of CharLSTM, required if ``feat='char'``. Default: 50. bert (str): Specifies which kind of language model to use, e.g., ``'bert-base-cased'`` and ``'xlnet-base-cased'``. This is required if ``feat='bert'``. The full list can be found in `transformers`_. Default: ``None``. n_bert_layers (int): Specifies how many last layers to use. Required if ``feat='bert'``. The final outputs would be the weight sum of the hidden states of these layers. Default: 4. bert_fine_tune (bool): Weather to fine tune the BERT model. Deafult: False. mix_dropout (float): The dropout ratio of BERT layers. Required if ``feat='bert'``. Default: .0. token_dropout (float): The dropout ratio of tokens. Default: .0. embed_dropout (float): The dropout ratio of input embeddings. Default: .33. n_lstm_hidden (int): The size of LSTM hidden states. Default: 400. n_lstm_layers (int): The number of LSTM layers. Default: 3. lstm_dropout (float): The dropout ratio of LSTM. Default: .33. n_mlp_arc (int): Arc MLP size. Default: 500. n_mlp_rel (int): Label MLP size. Default: 100. mlp_dropout (float): The dropout ratio of MLP layers. Default: .33. use_hidden_states (bool): Wethre to use hidden states rather than outputs from BERT. Default: True. use_attentions (bool): Wethre to use attention heads from BERT. Default: False. attention_head (int): Which attention head from BERT to use. Default: 0. attention_layer (int): Which attention layer from BERT to use; use all if 0. Default: 6. feat_pad_index (int): The index of the padding token in the feat vocabulary. Default: 0. pad_index (int): The index of the padding token in the word vocabulary. Default: 0. unk_index (int): The index of the unknown token in the word vocabulary. Default: 1. .. _Deep Biaffine Attention for Neural Dependency Parsing: .. _transformers: """ def __init__(self, n_words, n_feats, n_rels, feat='char', n_word_embed=100, n_feat_embed=100, n_char_embed=50, bert=None, n_bert_layers=4, bert_fine_tune=False, mix_dropout=.0, token_dropout=.0, embed_dropout=.33, n_lstm_hidden=400, n_lstm_layers=3, lstm_dropout=.33, n_mlp_arc=500, n_mlp_rel=100, mask_token_id=.0, mlp_dropout=.33, use_hidden_states=True, use_attentions=False, attention_head=0, attention_layer=6, feat_pad_index=0, pad_index=0, unk_index=1, **kwargs): super().__init__() # cant use Config(**locals()) because it includes self self.args = Config().update(locals()) args = self.args if args.n_word_embed: # the embedding layer self.word_embed = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=args.n_words, embedding_dim=args.n_word_embed) self.unk_index = args.unk_index else: self.word_embed = None if args.feat == 'char': self.feat_embed = CharLSTM(n_chars=args.n_feats, n_word_embed=args.n_char_embed, n_out=args.n_feat_embed, pad_index=args.feat_pad_index) elif args.feat == 'bert': self.feat_embed = BertEmbedding(model=args.bert, n_layers=args.n_bert_layers, n_out=args.n_feat_embed, requires_grad=args.bert_fine_tune, mask_token_id=args.mask_token_id, token_dropout=args.token_dropout, mix_dropout=args.mix_dropout, use_hidden_states=args.use_hidden_states, use_attentions=args.use_attentions, attention_layer=args.attention_layer) # Setting this requires rebuilding models: # args.n_mlp_arc = self.feat_embed.bert.config.max_position_embeddings args.n_feat_embed = self.feat_embed.n_out # taken from the model args.n_bert_layers = self.feat_embed.n_layers # taken from the model elif args.feat == 'tag': self.feat_embed = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=args.n_feats, embedding_dim=args.n_feat_embed) else: raise RuntimeError("The feat type should be in ['char', 'bert', 'tag'].") self.embed_dropout = IndependentDropout(p=args.embed_dropout) if args.n_lstm_layers: # the lstm layer self.lstm = LSTM(input_size=args.n_word_embed+args.n_feat_embed, hidden_size=args.n_lstm_hidden, num_layers=args.n_lstm_layers, bidirectional=True, dropout=args.lstm_dropout) self.lstm_dropout = SharedDropout(p=args.lstm_dropout) mlp_input_size = args.n_lstm_hidden*2 else: self.lstm = None mlp_input_size = args.n_word_embed + args.n_feat_embed # the MLP layers self.mlp_arc_d = MLP(n_in=mlp_input_size, n_out=args.n_mlp_arc, dropout=args.mlp_dropout) self.mlp_arc_h = MLP(n_in=mlp_input_size, n_out=args.n_mlp_arc, dropout=args.mlp_dropout) self.mlp_rel_d = MLP(n_in=mlp_input_size, n_out=args.n_mlp_rel, dropout=args.mlp_dropout) self.mlp_rel_h = MLP(n_in=mlp_input_size, n_out=args.n_mlp_rel, dropout=args.mlp_dropout) # the Biaffine layers self.arc_attn = Biaffine(n_in=args.n_mlp_arc, bias_x=True, bias_y=False) self.rel_attn = Biaffine(n_in=args.n_mlp_rel, n_out=args.n_rels, bias_x=True, bias_y=True) # transformer attention if args.use_attentions: self.attn_mix = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1)) self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
[docs] def extra_repr(self): total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in self.parameters()) trainable_params = sum(p.numel() for p in self.parameters() if p.requires_grad) return f"Total parameters: {total_params}\n" \ f"Trainable parameters: {trainable_params}\n" \ f"Features: {self.args.n_feats}"
def load_pretrained(self, embed=None): if embed is not None: self.pretrained = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(embed) nn.init.zeros_(self.word_embed.weight) return self
[docs] def forward(self, words: torch.Tensor, feats: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: r""" Args: words (~torch.LongTensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len]``. Word indices. feats (~torch.LongTensor): Feat indices. If feat is ``'char'`` or ``'bert'``, the size of feats should be ``[batch_size, seq_len, fix_len]``. if ``'tag'``, the size is ``[batch_size, seq_len]``. Returns: ~torch.Tensor, ~torch.Tensor: The first tensor of shape ``[batch_size, seq_len, seq_len]`` holds scores of all possible arcs. The second of shape ``[batch_size, seq_len, seq_len, n_labels]`` holds scores of all possible labels on each arc. """ # words, feats are the first two items in the batch from DataLoader.__iter__() whole_words = feats[:, :, 0] # drop subpiece dimension batch_size, seq_len = whole_words.shape # get the mask and lengths of given batch mask = lens = mask.sum(dim=1).cpu() # BUG fix: # feat_embed: [batch_size, seq_len, n_feat_embed] # attn: [batch_size, seq_len, seq_len] feat_embed, attn = self.feat_embed(feats) if self.word_embed: ext_words = words # set the indices larger than num_embeddings to unk_index if hasattr(self, 'pretrained'): ext_mask = ext_words = words.masked_fill(ext_mask, self.unk_index) # get outputs from embedding layers word_embed = self.word_embed(ext_words) if hasattr(self, 'pretrained'): word_embed += self.pretrained(words) word_embed, feat_embed = self.embed_dropout(word_embed, feat_embed) # concatenate the word and feat representations embed =, feat_embed), dim=-1) else: embed = self.embed_dropout(feat_embed)[0] if self.lstm: x = pack_padded_sequence(embed, lens, True, False) x, _ = self.lstm(x) x, _ = pad_packed_sequence(x, True, total_length=seq_len) x = self.lstm_dropout(x) else: x = embed # apply MLPs to the BiLSTM output states arc_d = self.mlp_arc_d(x) arc_h = self.mlp_arc_h(x) rel_d = self.mlp_rel_d(x) rel_h = self.mlp_rel_h(x) # [batch_size, seq_len, seq_len] s_arc = self.arc_attn(arc_d, arc_h) # [batch_size, seq_len, seq_len, n_rels] s_rel = self.rel_attn(rel_d, rel_h).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # mix bert attentions if attn is not None: s_arc += self.attn_mix * attn # set the scores that exceed the length of each sentence to -inf s_arc.masked_fill_(~mask.unsqueeze(1), float('-inf')) # Lower the diagonal, because the head of a word can't be itself. s_arc += torch.diag('-inf'))) return s_arc, s_rel
[docs] def loss(self, s_arc: torch.Tensor, s_rel: torch.Tensor, arcs: torch.Tensor, rels: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor, partial: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Computes the arc and tag loss for a sequence given gold heads and tags. Args: s_arc (~torch.Tensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len, seq_len]``. Scores of all possible arcs. s_rel (~torch.Tensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len, seq_len, n_labels]``. Scores of all possible labels on each arc. arcs (~torch.LongTensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len]``. The tensor of gold-standard arcs. rels (~torch.LongTensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len]``. The tensor of gold-standard labels. mask (~torch.BoolTensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len]``. The mask for covering the unpadded tokens. partial (bool): ``True`` denotes the trees are partially annotated. Default: ``False``. Returns: ~torch.Tensor: The training loss. """ if partial: mask = mask & s_arc, arcs = s_arc[mask], arcs[mask] s_rel, rels = s_rel[mask], rels[mask] # select the predicted relations towards the correct heads s_rel = s_rel[torch.arange(len(arcs)), arcs] arc_loss = self.criterion(s_arc, arcs) rel_loss = self.criterion(s_rel, rels) return arc_loss + rel_loss
[docs] def decode(self, s_arc: torch.Tensor, s_rel: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor, tree: bool = False, proj: bool = False) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: r""" Args: s_arc (~torch.Tensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len, seq_len]``. Scores of all possible arcs. s_rel (~torch.Tensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len, seq_len, n_labels]``. Scores of all possible labels on each arc. mask (~torch.BoolTensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len]``. The mask for covering the unpadded tokens. tree (bool): If ``True``, ensures to output well-formed trees. Default: ``False``. proj (bool): If ``True``, ensures to output projective trees. Default: ``False``. Returns: ~torch.Tensor, ~torch.Tensor: Predicted arcs and labels of shape ``[batch_size, seq_len]``. """ lens = mask.sum(1) # prevent self-loops s_arc.diagonal(0, 1, 2).fill_(float('-inf')) # select the most likely arcs arc_preds = s_arc.argmax(-1) if tree: # ensure the arcs form a tree bad = [not CoNLL.istree(seq[1:i+1], proj) for i, seq in zip(lens.tolist(), arc_preds.tolist())] if any(bad): alg = eisner if proj else mst arc_preds[bad] = alg(s_arc[bad], mask[bad]) # select the most likely rels rel_preds = s_rel.argmax(-1) # choose those corresponding to the predicted arcs rel_preds = rel_preds.gather(-1, arc_preds.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) return arc_preds, rel_preds