Source code for diaparser.modules.bert

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
from transformers import AutoModel, AutoConfig

from .scalar_mix import ScalarMix
from .dropout import TokenDropout
# from torch.cuda import memory_allocated

[docs]class BertEmbedding(nn.Module): r""" A module that directly utilizes the pretrained models in `transformers`_ to produce BERT representations. While mainly tailored to provide input preparation and post-processing for the BERT model, it is also compatible with other pretrained language models like XLNet, RoBERTa and ELECTRA, etc. Args: model (str): Path or name of the pretrained models registered in `transformers`_, e.g., ``'bert-base-cased'``. n_layers (int): The number of layers from the model to use. If 0, uses all layers. n_out (int): The requested size of the embeddings. If 0, uses the size of the pretrained embedding model. stride (int): A sequence longer than the limited max length will be splitted into several small pieces with a window size of ``stride``. Default: 5. pad_index (int): The index of the padding token in the BERT vocabulary. Default: 0. dropout (float): The dropout ratio of BERT layers. Default: 0. This value will be passed into the :class:`ScalarMix` layer. requires_grad (bool): If ``True``, the model parameters will be updated together with the downstream task. Default: ``False``. .. _transformers: """ def __init__(self, model, n_layers, n_out, stride=5, pad_index=0, dropout=0, requires_grad=False, mask_token_id=0, token_dropout=0.0, mix_dropout=0.0, use_hidden_states=True, use_attentions=False, attention_head=0, attention_layer=8): r""" :param model (str): path or name of the pretrained model. :param n_layers (int): number of layers from the model to use. If 0, use all layers. :param n_out (int): the requested size of the embeddings. If 0, use the size of the pretrained embedding model :param requires_grad (bool): whether to fine tune the embeddings. :param mask_token_id (int): the value of the [MASK] token to use for dropped tokens. :param dropout (float): drop layers with this probability when comuting their weighted average with ScalarMix. :param use_hidden_states (bool): use the output hidden states from bert if True, or else the outputs. :param use_attentions (bool): wheth4er to use attention weights. :param attention_head (int): which attention head to use. :param attention_layer (int): which attention layer to use. """ super().__init__() config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model, output_hidden_states=True, output_attentions=use_attentions) self.bert = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model, config=config) self.bert.requires_grad_(requires_grad) self.model = model self.n_layers = n_layers or self.bert.config.num_hidden_layers self.hidden_size = self.bert.config.hidden_size self.n_out = n_out or self.hidden_size self.stride = stride self.pad_index = self.bert.config.pad_token_id self.mix_dropout = mix_dropout self.token_dropout = token_dropout self.requires_grad = requires_grad self.max_len = self.bert.config.max_position_embeddings self.use_hidden_states = use_hidden_states self.mask_token_id = mask_token_id self.use_attentions = use_attentions self.head = attention_head self.attention_layer = attention_layer self.token_dropout = TokenDropout(token_dropout, mask_token_id) if token_dropout else None self.scalar_mix = ScalarMix(self.n_layers, mix_dropout) if self.hidden_size != self.n_out: self.projection = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.n_out, False) def __repr__(self): s = f"{self.model}, n_layers={self.n_layers}, n_out={self.n_out}" s += f", pad_index={self.pad_index}" s += f", max_len={self.max_len}" if self.mix_dropout > 0: s += f", mix_dropout={self.mix_dropout}" if self.use_attentions: s += f", use_attentions={self.use_attentions}" if self.hidden_size != self.n_out: s += f", projection=({self.hidden_size} x {self.n_out})" s += f", mask_token_id={self.mask_token_id}" if self.requires_grad: s += f", requires_grad={self.requires_grad}" return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({s})"
[docs] def forward(self, subwords): r""" Args: subwords (~torch.Tensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len, fix_len]``. Returns: ~torch.Tensor: BERT embeddings of shape ``[batch_size, seq_len, n_out]``. """ batch_size, seq_len, fix_len = subwords.shape if self.token_dropout: subwords = self.token_dropout(subwords) mask = lens = mask.sum((1, 2)) if not self.requires_grad: self.bert.eval() # CHECK_ME (supar does not do) # [batch_size, n_subwords] subwords = pad_sequence(subwords[mask].split(lens.tolist()), True) bert_mask = pad_sequence(mask[mask].split(lens.tolist()), True) # Outputs from the transformer: # - last_hidden_state: [batch, seq_len, hidden_size] # - pooler_output: [batch, hidden_size], # - hidden_states (optional): [[batch_size, seq_length, hidden_size]] * (1 + layers) # - attentions (optional): [[batch_size, num_heads, seq_length, seq_length]] * layers # print('<BERT, GPU MiB:', memory_allocated() // (1024*1024)) # DEBUG outputs = self.bert(subwords[:, :self.max_len], attention_mask=bert_mask[:, :self.max_len].float()) # print('BERT>, GPU MiB:', memory_allocated() // (1024*1024)) # DEBUG if self.use_hidden_states: bert_idx = -2 if self.use_attentions else -1 bert = outputs[bert_idx] # [n_layers, batch_size, n_subwords, hidden_size] bert = bert[-self.n_layers:] # [batch_size, n_subwords, hidden_size] bert = self.scalar_mix(bert) for i in range(self.stride, (subwords.shape[1]-self.max_len+self.stride-1)//self.stride*self.stride+1, self.stride): part = self.bert(subwords[:, i:i+self.max_len], attention_mask=bert_mask[:, i:i+self.max_len].float())[bert_idx] bert =, self.scalar_mix(part[-self.n_layers:])[:, self.max_len-self.stride:]), 1) else: bert = outputs[0] # [batch_size, n_subwords] bert_lens = mask.sum(-1) bert_lens = bert_lens.masked_fill_(bert_lens.eq(0), 1) # [batch_size, seq_len, fix_len, hidden_size] embed = bert.new_zeros(*mask.shape, self.hidden_size) embed = embed.masked_scatter_(mask.unsqueeze(-1), bert[bert_mask]) # [batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size] embed = embed.sum(2) / bert_lens.unsqueeze(-1) # sum wordpieces seq_attn = None if self.use_attentions: # (a list of layers) = [ [batch, num_heads, sent_len, sent_len] ] attns = outputs[-1] # [batch, n_subwords, n_subwords] attn = attns[self.attention_layer][:,self.head,:,:] # layer 9 represents syntax # squeeze out multiword tokens mask2 = ~mask mask2[:,:,0] = True # keep first column sub_masks = pad_sequence(mask2[mask].split(lens.tolist()), True) seq_mask = torch.einsum('bi,bj->bij', sub_masks, sub_masks) # outer product seq_lens = seq_mask.sum((1,2)) # [batch_size, seq_len, seq_len] sub_attn = attn[seq_mask].split(seq_lens.tolist()) # fill a tensor [batch_size, seq_len, seq_len] seq_attn = attn.new_zeros(batch_size, seq_len, seq_len) for i, attn_i in enumerate(sub_attn): size = sub_masks[i].sum(0) attn_i = attn_i.view(size, size) seq_attn[i,:size,:size] = attn_i if hasattr(self, 'projection'): embed = self.projection(embed) return embed, seq_attn