Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from collections import namedtuple

import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from ..utils.alg import kmeans

[docs]class Dataset( r""" Dataset that is compatible with :class:``. This serves as a wrapper for manipulating all data fields with the operating behaviours defined in :class:`Transform`. The data fields of all the instantiated sentences can be accessed as an attribute of the dataset. Args: transform (Transform): An instance of :class:`Transform` and its derivations. The instance holds a series of loading and processing behaviours with regard to the specfic data format. data (list[list] or str): A list of list of strings or a filename. This will be passed into :meth:`transform.load`. kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments that will be passed into :meth:`transform.load` together with `data` to control the loading behaviour. Attributes: transform (Transform): An instance of :class:`Transform`. sentences (list[Sentence]): A list of sentences loaded from the data. Each sentence includes fields obeying the data format defined in ``transform``. """ def __init__(self, transform, data, **kwargs): super(Dataset, self).__init__() self.transform = transform self.sentences = transform.load(data, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): s = f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" s += f"n_sentences={len(self.sentences)}" if hasattr(self, 'loader'): s += f", n_batches={len(self.loader)}" if hasattr(self, 'buckets'): s += f", n_buckets={len(self.buckets)}" s += ")" return s def __len__(self): return len(self.sentences) def __getitem__(self, index): if not hasattr(self, 'fields'): raise RuntimeError("The fields are not numericalized. Please build the dataset first.") for d in self.fields.values(): yield d[index] def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] return [getattr(sentence, name) for sentence in self.sentences] def __setattr__(self, name, value): if 'sentences' in self.__dict__ and name in self.sentences[0]: # restore the order of sequences in the buckets indices = torch.tensor([i for bucket in self.buckets.values() for i in bucket]).argsort() for index, sentence in zip(indices, self.sentences): setattr(sentence, name, value[index]) else: self.__dict__[name] = value def __getstate__(self): # only pickle the Transform object and sentences return {'transform': self.transform, 'sentences': self.sentences} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) def collate_fn(self, batch): return {f: d for f, d in zip(self.fields.keys(), zip(*batch))} def build(self, batch_size, n_buckets=1, shuffle=False, distributed=False): # numericalize all fields self.fields = self.transform(self.sentences) # NOTE: the final bucket count is roughly equal to n_buckets self.lengths = [len(i) for i in self.fields[next(iter(self.fields))]] self.buckets = dict(zip(*kmeans(self.lengths, n_buckets))) self.loader = DataLoader(dataset=self, batch_sampler=Sampler(buckets=self.buckets, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, distributed=distributed), collate_fn=self.collate_fn)
class DataLoader( r""" DataLoader, matching with :class:`Dataset`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __iter__(self): for batch in super().__iter__(): yield namedtuple('Batch', [ for f in batch.keys()])(*[f.compose(d) for f, d in batch.items()]) class Sampler( r""" Sampler that supports for bucketization and token-level batchification. Args: buckets (dict): A dict that maps each centroid to indices of clustered sentences. The centroid corresponds to the average length of all sentences in the bucket. batch_size (int): Token-level batch size. The resulting batch contains roughly the same number of tokens as ``batch_size``. shuffle (bool): If ``True``, the sampler will shuffle both buckets and samples in each bucket. Default: ``False``. distributed (bool): If ``True``, the sampler will be used in conjunction with :class:`torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel` that restricts data loading to a subset of the dataset. Default: ``False``. """ def __init__(self, buckets, batch_size, shuffle=False, distributed=False): self.batch_size = batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.sizes, self.buckets = zip(*[(size, bucket) for size, bucket in buckets.items()]) # number of chunks in each bucket, clipped by range [1, len(bucket)] self.chunks = [min(len(bucket), max(round(size * len(bucket) / batch_size), 1)) for size, bucket in zip(self.sizes, self.buckets)] self.rank = dist.get_rank() if distributed else 0 self.replicas = dist.get_world_size() if distributed else 1 self.samples = sum(self.chunks) // self.replicas self.epoch = 0 def __iter__(self): g = torch.Generator() g.manual_seed(self.epoch) range_fn = torch.arange # if `shuffle=True`, shuffle both the buckets and samples in each bucket # for distributed training, make sure each process generates the same random sequence at each epoch if self.shuffle: def range_fn(x): return torch.randperm(x, generator=g) total, count = 0, 0 # TODO: more elegant way to deal with uneven data, which we directly discard right now for i in range_fn(len(self.buckets)).tolist(): split_sizes = [(len(self.buckets[i]) - j - 1) // self.chunks[i] + 1 for j in range(self.chunks[i])] # DON'T use `torch.chunk` which may return wrong number of chunks for batch in range_fn(len(self.buckets[i])).split(split_sizes): if count == self.samples: break if total % self.replicas == self.rank: count += 1 yield [self.buckets[i][j] for j in batch.tolist()] total += 1 self.epoch += 1 def __len__(self): return self.samples